On the TTC front. I ovulated on cd 20. I'm 8 dpo now and if my temps stay up. I'll test on Friday. I'm not feeling too hopeful, but I want to be past this whole TTC stuff so bad. I yearn for that second baby so much. I'm ready to be a parent of two and I'm so ready to enjoy sex again. For those of you that had pregnancy come easily, I'm not sure you can understand how'd having to have sex completely destroys that sexual relationship. It's no longer fun, it's timed, and most of the time, we do it because we have too. Not my idea of a good time.
I've started my etsy shop because I need money saved incase we need to move into fertility treatments. They aren't cheap and they are not covered by insurance. We aren't rich people and I hate that money can potentially stand in the way of us having another baby. I'm nervous about going to a specialist and I'm worried that they are going to say that I'm too fat to even be considered for treatments. I don't know. Thoughts go through my head that I'm sure are irrational. It's a scary step. Until then, I know we have one more script for clomid and then I guess we will reevaluate then.
I'm having a sale for 20% off for labor day to hopefully just get my name out there. I know I'm probably undercharging myself, but how else's am I going to get my name out there. Here is a link to my store
And if you search for ceebee creations on Facebook, you'll find me there too. That's where you can grab the coupon code. I can do a bit of custom work as well. I haven't made custom slots yet, but I plan to by the weekend.
In other news, I've been feeling crappy and I'm sick with a cold. I took today off because I'm feeling so congested. I slept for most of the day and I really like to be asleep now, but dear Miss A makes that impossible.
I also wanted to talk about As time in the daycare on Mondays, but I'll save that for another day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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