The picture to the right is her first day going to day care. DH didn't get a great picture, so that's all I have!
Last week we had a subsitute. I was super nervous about how A would be, but to my surprise, she did EXCELLENT. She even NAPPED. That's right, I said it. She napped. She actually fell asleep on the floor at somebody elses help. AMAZING. She was a totally different kid when I picked her up. Now she always naps for me and my husband, but hasn't at all for her day care. The subsitute must have been working some magic. I just couldn't believe it.
I still hate that I have to leave her with somebody else, but it helps knowing that she's having fun, she gets a ton of interaction, and they get to do fun things like crafts. I just love the art projects! The woman we have watching her (she runs an in home day care) is wonderful. She's super sweet and I know that she's taking good care of my daughter. It also helps that she was a former teacher!
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