We celebrated it on the 20th (instead of the 19th, we both had to work). J made a reservation at Texas De Brazil down south. I was worried about A because she's been a huge grump and under the weather. Not to mention a huge winer pants. However, we were quiet surprised at her behvior while we were there. No meldowns! YES!
The food at Texas De Brazil was amazing! Not to mention the service. Everywhere you looked there was a server standing by. Each time you got out of your seat somebody would come by, pick up your used plate and refold your napkin. My water glass was never empty. The salad bar featured 50 different items. None of which I was that interested in. I had some salad, goat cheese, and a few pieces of bread. If I weren't so excited about the meat, then I might have chose more, but from what I did get, it was delicious. They had an array of different meats to choose from, all served to you straight from the pit and off the skewer. Chicken, chicken wrapped in bacon, filet minon, filet minon wrapped in bacon, pork, sausage, ribs... the list goes on. We also had a side of scalloped potatoes and fried bananas. A loved the bananas.
After our meal we got dessert. We had one on the house for our Anniversary and then I made J get another because I couldn't make up my mind! The first was a cheese cake with a fudge bottom and I got a chocolate moose cake. It had a layer of dark chocolate moose a white chocolate moose and also chocolate cake and fudge. It was to die for. I made myself NOT eat it all so I could enjoy it all over again when I got home.
Of course it's nice to enjoy your anniversary with just the two of you as a couple and I know J and I don't get much time together. But, I have to say, that I throughly enjoyed celebrating our anniversary as a family. Afterall, if it weren't for the wedding (in our case anyways!) A wouldn't be here. We had a nice dinner for three (maybe just 2 1/2). A is seriously a hoot and keeps us laughing. She's so friendly when we go places and has such a great attitude.
I took two days off of work and it was so nice to be able to relax for 5 days (2 work days and the weekend, plus my 1 work from home day, that equals 5, right?). I am saddened that I can't be at home with my daughter all day, because when I am, it just feels right. Like that's where I'm supposed to be. Don't get me wrong. I love my job, but I think I love being with my family more.
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