Today I started a new cycle. I woke up this morning devastated. I was hopeful since I was past my usual LP and I was technically two days late. I had blood pour out of me and over the toilet, floor, my legs, and some how, it even got on the lid. Sorry if that's TMI. But it's what happened. Not only am I saddened by not being pregnant, for yet another month, it's like I get it rubbed in by having to do a major cleaning. To top it off, I had the worse cramps of my life. So bad, I had to call into work because I couldn't imagine having to stay still and drive myself to work and then sit in my office chair and be productive. I, instead, oppted to soak in a hot bath for about an hour and then went back to bed for 3 or 4 more hours. The rest of the day was spent on the couch, wishing for my heating pad and taking meds on schedule every 4 hours. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
With all that in mind, I know that I have a few weeks before I ovulate again and I want this cycle to start something new. I'm going to continue to take my vitamins. I need to remember to take my morning and mid-day fish oil capsules, but now I'm going to commit myself to do more exercise.
This is my plan:
Sunday - Turbo Jam during A's nap, weight when DH gets home.
Monday - Turbo Jam during A's nap, weight when DH gets home
Tuesday - Treadmill (running intervals) 30 minutes during lunch, Turbo Jam before bed
Wednesday - Treadmill (running intervals) 30 minutes during lunch, Turbo Jam before bed
Thursday - Treadmill (running intervals) 30 minutes during lunch, weights with DH
Friday - Treadmill (running intervals) 30 minutes during lunch, Turbo Jam before bed
Saturday - Rest Day
Calorie intake will be around 1500.
DH is entering a 3 month contest and his plan is to completely change his body. He's doing hard core dieting, exercise, and weight training. Since he will be eating differently than I am going to be, I get to pick out whatever I want to eat for dinner. I'm not sure what that's going to be yet, but I have to meal plan for one. I do want to get lots of fruits and veggies. I'm going to prepackage snacks, my breakfast, and make my lunches in advance.
I can't wait to see the changes he makes. Now I'm not entering a contest, but I want to make some changes myself. I'm hoping to stick with this plan so my body can get healthy. I've read that loosing just 10% of you body weight can make a huge difference in your health and the way you feel. I'm not yet ready to reveal how much that actually is, because, lets face it, the math would be easy and I don't want everybody to know my weight.
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