If I had not had him as my father, I may not have had the drive to succeed. I may not have went to college and I may not have had that unbelievable urge to do well for myself so I never needed another man to care and support me. I grew up knowing that I could do that all on my own. He raised me to be the strong woman I am today. He is why I make the choices I do. The reason why I enjoy listening to country music and why I value my education more than anything materialistic. He's been by my side through every step of my life. I've called upon him to help me make the hardest life choices and decisions. I value his opinion. He's talked out situations with me so I can see another side and work through it. He walked with me down the aisle as I made the decision to marry my husband.
He is the reason why I hold my family up higher than my job and higher than myself. I am so, very thankful to have him in my life.
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