These feet take me everywhere. They are responsible for those first steps that every new parent sees and causes their heart to swell up with parent pride. They have walked me through many countries, air ports, and destinations. My pretty tootsies walked me across the stage on my high school foot ball field so I could get my diploma and again across the stage to get my Bachelors degree. They walked me into my first job and out of a job that I hated. They walked me around the classroom as I taught children ready to explore the world.
My feet, while painful, sore, and beat up, walked me down the aisle to marry my husband, they walked me to each doctor's appointment that ensured the health of my baby girl. They were held when I gave birth and they walked night after night in circles to try and calm her down so we could all sleep. My feet walked me to the doctor to get help for PPD, to 7 surgeries, 4 cruises, and countless vacations. These feet have ran across play grounds, both when I was young and old. They have chased balls, dogs, and boys. My feet allow me to walk away when I'm angry and walk to the things I love. They allow me to walk. Yup, just walk! What a blessing that is, to have mobility.
I am thankful for each step I can take, thanks to my feet.
Great challenge - we should all do this!