Thursday, February 24, 2011

Physical therapy

It took 2 full hours. Overall there isn't any horrible damage, but I do have very tight muscles from the accident. The lady was unable to move any of my vertebras in my neck or lower back. She wants me back twice a week for four weeks.

I'm going to miss a lot of work!

Treatment wise, it's massage, neck stretches, and then electrodes put on my neck while laying on a heating pad. It hurt, the massage, I felt all the knots she was trying to work out. I'm sore and I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow, but after it's all done, I should have my flexibility back.

Once this is all said and done, I think I'm going to concentrate on getting other parts of my body fixed, like my hands, wrists, and knees. I feel so broken, not being able to get pregnant is icing on the cake!

I had dh drive me to therapy, I played on my phone the entire time and that helped. Too bad I can't do that when I'm driving myself, if only that girl followed that rule, I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. We did go to the mall afterwards, dh needed some new running shoes, and, of course, some old biddy almost hit us as she was backing out of here parking spot. Its not like we were flying down the lane and came out of know where, we were defiantly only going maybe 5 or 10mph, we were looking for a place to park. My entire body flew up out of the seat trying to get away from where the site of impact would be. Next came the shortness of breath, flushed face, chest tightness......

I cant wait until all of this is over with. I hate living like this. It's like I'm at the edge of my seat watching the scariest movie you can think of. That feeling, I feel that most of the day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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