Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 19 of the 30 Days of Thanks Challenge

Not taken today, but its too funny NOT to share :)
Today I am thankful for lazy Saturday's. After a very busy last two weeks I was very grateful to remain my my pajamas most of the day, hang out with my DH and daughter, eat pizza for dinner, and play video games. It was a nice calm break from the busy life we have been leading for the past few weeks. We needed that down time.

We did nothing today. Absolutely nothing. Well okay, we did take my car to the dealership for a recall part, go grocery shopping, and pick up pizza. But, compared to the alternative, it sure felt like nothing! I plan on doing the same for the rest of the weekends this year. We don't have much going on because we can't travel this year. Thanks to Black Friday and greedy shoppers who don't want the stores to close! 

I'm so thankful for the time that we can spend as a family, it doesn't seem much as of late, with our work schedules and the retail season approaching.


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